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IoT & Sensor Technology for Housing Associations

Key Features of LoRaWAN:
  • Long-Range Communication: LoRa can transmit data over very long distances, typically ranging from 2-5 kilometers in urban areas and up to 15-20 kilometers or more in rural or open areas. The range depends on the environment, antenna, and transmission power.
  • Low Power Consumption: LoRa is designed for IoT devices that operate on batteries and require long battery life. Devices can often run for years on small batteries due to the low power requirements of LoRa communication.
  • Low Data Rate: LoRa is suitable for applications that do not require high-speed data transmission. The data rates range from 0.3 kbps to around 50 kbps. This makes LoRa ideal for applications that transmit small amounts of data, such as sensor readings or simple control signals.
  • Robustness and Interference Resistance: The Chirp Spread Spectrum modulation used in LoRa makes it highly resistant to interference and noise. This allows reliable communication even in challenging environments with a lot of radio interference.
  • License-Free Spectrum: LoRa operates in unlicensed Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) frequency bands, which vary by region (e.g., 433 MHz, 868 MHz in Europe, and 915 MHz in North America). This allows for cost-effective deployments, as there are no licensing fees for using these frequencies.

Intuitive Software

  • Data Visualisation: This feature allows you to create graphical charts and plot data over time at the click of a button.
  • Advanced Notifications: Set up various scenarios and conditions under which you will receive notifications. Alerts can be sent via email or text message, and reconfigurable in the console anytime.
  • Multi-Network Provisioning: Provisioning means activating the device so it can talk to the appropriate wireless network. Radio Bridge sensors can be activated for any supported network through the console.
  • Field Re-Configuration: Radio Bridge sensors have configuration options that allow the user to modify the behavior and characteristics of the sensor. A new configuration can be sent through a downlink message over the wireless network to the device after it has been deployed in the field.
  • Application Programming Interface: The MultiTech Radio Bridge console can be used as a stand-alone end user application using the provisioning, monitoring, and configuration options described above, along with configurable email or text message notifications.

LoRaWAN Gateway

Conduit® AP 300 Series

Access Point (MTCAP3 Series) MultiTechConduit® AP 300 Series Access Point featuring the mPower™ Edge Intelligence operating system serves as a gateway or access point that enables connectivity between LoRaWAN® wireless IoT devices and the network or cloud infrastructure. The Conduit AP Access Point offers various wide-area-network communication options, including wired and wireless interfaces, allowing flexibility in connectivity. It supports the LoRaWAN protocol in addition to Ethernet and cellular connectivity options, depending on the specific model and configuration.

  • Integrations with cloud-based LoRa Network Server and IoT Cloud platforms
  • Embedded LoRa Network Server for an out-of-box LoRaWAN network
  • MultiTech DeviceHQ® device, network and application management


LoRaWAN Wireless IOT Sensors

Temperature and Humidity Sensors


Radio Bridge LoRaWAN Wireless Temperature and Humidity Sensors are designed to accurately detect ambient air temperature and use air flow to measure levels. Models are available for both indoor and outdoor residential and industrial use.

  • Open architecture for flexible integration
  • Optional web-based console for provisioning, monitoring, and configuration of sensors in the field
  • Seamlessly integrate with MultiTech portfolio of LoRaWAN gateways

Leak Detection Sensors


Radio Bridge LoRaWAN Wireless Leak Detection Sensors use a probe to detect the presence of water. When the presence of water is detected, an alert is sent over the wireless network to prevent a potentially catastrophic event.

  • Open architecture for flexible integration
  • Optional web-based console for provisioning, monitoring, and configuration of sensors in the field
  • Seamlessly integrate with MultiTech portfolio of LoRaWAN gateways


Movement Sensors

Radio Bridge LoRaWAN Wireless Movement Sensors use an ultra sensitive internal accelerometer to detect movement of a critical asset. When movement is detected that exceeds a certain threshold, an alert is sent over the wireless network. Reveal Tilt Sensors detect transitions between horizontal and vertical orientation, as well as reporting the angle of the tilt.

  • Open architecture for flexible integration
  • Optional web-based console for provisioning, monitoring, and configuration of sensors in the field
  • Seamlessly integrate with MultiTech portfolio of LoRaWAN gateways

Enquire about LoRaWAN Technology and book your FREE demo and quote

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